Monday, September 28, 2009

Homicde Life on the Street-the tv series

during the 4th season of the tv show called -Homicide Life on the Street , there was a episode of it,-called For God and Country, which was a cross over episode from The Law and Order -tv series, which was called Charm City.
where there was a poison -gas attack on the New York subway system, some where in the city of-Manhattan, where New York City Police detectives named Lennie Briscoe and Rey Curtis are -searching for the terrorist, who casused it happen.

The Baltimore Police department send 2 of their best Detectvies from the city of Baltimore, to New York City, to check out the poison-gas attack on the subway system in the city of Manhattan, to check and see if there is a connection to a similar bombing that had happened in,their city of Baltimore,years earlier.
the Names of the 2 Baltimore Police detectives are detective Frank Pembleton and detective Tim Bayliss, both travel to New York City.
all four Detectives, Ray Curits, Lennie Briscoe, Frank Pemblton and Tim Bayliss try their very-
-best to work together, becasuse both detectives are not very happy about working together in this case.

this story about the poison gas attack on the subway in New York City, which starts in New York
-City, which finshes up back in the city of Baltimore.

1 comment:

  1. Really guys,Homicide Life On The Street tv show sooo intersting.This show is my top favorites police action serial's great to see all characters when they play the role to solve any case of murder.every episode of this show is at here to download Homicide Life On The Street
