Tuesday, October 13, 2009

to tell different stories besides dogs stories

i like to tell different types of besides dogs stories, slasher movies are full of too much blood and gore, sometimes you can tell a good story, with blood and gore in it, as long as some one lives in the movie, the police come to the rescue and kill the nasty slasher killer, who is to kill like jason.
i do and wrote romace or love story, you have to make a judgment call, whether to nudity, that's good taste, that tells a story.
movies like the old planet of the apes movie had, nudity in it, but it was used in good taste, they used it , to help tell the story in the movie.
someone got very old in the planet of the apes, she was over 3000 years old and died.
there have been movies and tv shows were people got older or younger.
i like to tell a good story, about people getting older or younger, doing it in taste, will very little little nudty or no nudity at all.
there will not porno movie stories done on this blog.

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