Monday, September 14, 2009

jeepers,francis and chula and marley the dogs drive to the food store

the dogs named jeepers,francis, chula and marley eat all their suppy of dog treats and jelly dounuts and drink, all their supply of doggie botteled water.
jeepers, franics ,chula and marley get inside their very large doggie suv, to drive to the food store, to buy more things of dog treats , jelly dounts and more things of botted doggie water.
it does not take long for mr.jeepers to drive ,everyone in his doggie suv, to the food store.
jeepers,francis, chula and marley and buy all the needed supply of dog treats and jelly dounuts and botted doggie water, mr.jeepers pays for everything with his doggie money.
everyone leaves the food store and gets into mr.jeepers doggie suv, back to mr.jeepers doggie condo.
jeepers, francis , chula and marley help carry in the jelly dounuts, doggie treats and things of doggie bottled water.
mr.jeepers, chula ,francis and marley are too tired to do anything else, they take very long doggie rest breaks.

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